Monday, October 1, 2012

Kentucky Kids' Day is Coming!

Tomorrow we will celebrate Kentucky Kids' Day.  I appreciate the PTO of SGES so much for providing T-Shirts and fun activities for this day.  Mrs. Lloyd also worked hard to arrange guest speakers for the students.  We are looking forward to a fun filled day.  Our hallways are decorated to the theme of Kentucky's Regions. 

Please make sure that your child wears his/her new orange T-Shirt tomorrow.

I can't believe it is almost October!  The year seems to be flying by so fast.  Next week will be the last week before the grading period ends.

We will be doing a mini-unit about Greek Mythology.  We will not have a reading quiz next week, but we will be taking a end of the unit benchmark assessment.  This will NOT count as a test grade, just a daily grade.  There is no way to prepare or study for this, it is just helping prepare students for the type of assessments they will see and to gauge the skills the students are grasping and the ones they are not. 

Have a great weekend!